The Importance of Kinections - TedX Razorfish
The Importance of Kinections was a collaboration between Turner and Sapient Razorfish. The work explored how differently people behave in a public space during a tedX event. The video was recorded using a Kinect in the morning and edited within and hour and presented as a bumper video between talks. The bumper video was for TedX Sydney 2012 and used crowd recording to create particle cloud interactions.
Creative: Razorfish
Tech description: Used a Kinect camera and processing to capture depth data and process it into a particle cloud with blob detection
Points of note: One time occurrence, live recording and playback.
Role: artist/tech director/developer/creative technologist
Software/technology: SDK/OpenCV
Part of a bumper video for TedX Sydney 2012 using croud recording to create particle could interactions. - rhysturner/Importance-of-Kinections